Stock Tracker 4
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Finding Stock Tracker 3 Database Files

Please back up your existing database files to another location before upgrading from an earlier version.
Please also ensure that no users are logged into the system.

This information shows how to locate Stock Tracker 3 database files when migrating to Stock Tracker 4. If the files are on a network share they can be left in their current location (if preferred). If they are local on a computer in the default location it is recommended that they are moved to the default Stock Tracker 4 location.

Note that when running Stock Tracker 4 on a computer that is using (or has used) Stock Tracker 3 the new software will find the connection details automatically.

It will copy the older PSTR_Core.mdb file to PST4.mdb in the same folder and upgrade the new file. The older file will not be altered and the folder will not be changed.

Run the old Stock Tracker 3 installation (launch PST3). At the login screen press Client Options.

Highlight your connection in the list and press View Path.

The folder displaying the Stock Tracker 3 database files and sub-folders will open. The location of the files is in the location/breadcrumbs bar at the top.

See Also
