Stock Tracker 4
Stock Tracker 4 Home

Using Stock Tracker 4
Getting Started Guide
Initial Setup
Operator Login
Adding Items
Selling Items
Managing Contacts

Client Options
Administration Area
Using Barcodes
Backup Instructions
Product Registration

Overview of Palace Stock Tracker

Palace Stock Tracker stores each item independently allowing the software to track and record each item's status changes.

Each item is assigned a unique number which may be printed to a label (with or without a barcode).  An item's number may be used to look up or sell the item.  Additionally items with barcodes can be found and sold more quickly using a scanner.

The main interface is split into a number of sections which are displayed along the top of the main window.

The most commonly used sections are Drops, Stock and Checkout.

Items can be added and managed using either the Drops, Stock or Checkout sections depending on whether collection of the the items is required.

Training courses are available here or the software can be seen working at a number of projects across the UK. Contact us to arrange a demonstration.
