Palace Stock Tracker 5 Known Issues

PST5-122 Licence key not being stored correctly in database (window title bar displays "TRIAL INSTALLATION" and unable to add items).

Stock Tracker 5 version: 0.02 beta/0.03 beta/0.04 beta
SQL Server scripts version: 500/501

There is an error in the 500 and 501 SQL scripts (the keyCode parameter data type is too short to store the product key in the database so the keyCode value in the _info table is truncated).

If the software is unable to download a product key via the Internet automatically (e.g. firewall block) during login the fallback product key read from the database is too short (truncated) and therefore invalid.

Stored procedure: sp_info_updateLicence
Parameter name: @keyCode VARCHAR(16)

This issue was fixed in Stock Tracker 5 v1.00/scripts version 502. Note that Stock Tracker 5 v1.00 (and similarly in PST4 v4.46) no longer downloads keycodes via the Internet on login (the stored database keycode is used to speed up operator login).

Note that automatic downloading of keycodes via the Internet can be disabled (if preferred) in PST5 versions < 1.00 (and PST4 versions < 4.46) by setting the following registry key to 0 on ALL clients concurrently (this is important because downloaded key codes are saved to the database):

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Palace IT\Palace Stock Tracker 5\autoDownloadKeycodes
Use this registry patch file to apply this change on each client.
This is an optional setting and won't fix the product key issue, it is still necessary to use one of the workaround methods below.
